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Conversations with Spiritual Mentor & Identity Alchemist Jess 🌹

In this episode of the Yoke podcast, I reconnect with Jess, as she shares her journey of becoming an entrepreneur, diving deep into astrology, and eventually evolving into an identity alchemist and spiritual mentor. We explore the challenges of leaving typically 9-5 for the uncertain path of entrepreneurship, including the dark night of the soul, the importance of self-worth, and the deep reprogramming needed to overcome societal conditioning. Jess discusses how astrology helped her navigate these changes, and how she's now using her experiences to guide others.

We also delve into the concepts of identity and constant evolution, highlighting the importance of allowing ourselves to change and grow. Jess emphasises the need for surrender and letting go of control, and the power of tools like astrology and meditation in this process. The conversation touches on the struggles of maintaining authenticity while navigating societal expectations and the entrepreneurial journey.

This episode is a rich exploration of personal growth, spiritual evolution, and the courage it takes to break free from old paradigms to live a life aligned with your true self. Tune in for an inspiring discussion on transformation, authenticity, and the ever-evolving journey of self-discovery.

Jess’s Bio : “Hey, I'm Jess 💫 and I'm a spiritual mentor, transformation coach, energy worker, and astrologer that focuses on all things energetics and alignment.

Through my own experiences, I have navigated rock bottoms, burn-out, debilitating limiting beliefs, heartbreak, and financial instability, to attuning myself to a lifestyle that I always thought would remain a fantasy.

AND I help my clients do the same thing for themselves.

No matter where you are on your journey, your highest timeline is right there with you, all you have to do is attune yourself to it.

If you are just starting on your healing journey and would like a little guidance, grab my eBook "The Art of Invocation" to learn how you can implement daily practices that are designed to clear energetic blocks and activate your energy centres. This guide is designed to help you become your own healer. No one outside of you is more powerful than you. Sometimes you just need a few tools in the toolbelt to get you to where you need to be.”

First 30mins transcribed, listen to full episode on Spotify :

Welcome back listeners to a podcast with Yoke. So excited today to have a friend who I've known for many years, but I haven't spoken to her in a while. Her name's Jess.

Hi Jess. Hello Jess. I know her from doing an embodiment course.

I think it was, or potentially Devotion to Dharma with Susie. Devotion to Dharma. Yeah, that's how we met.

Yeah. And when I met you, you were doing astrology and I had an astrology reading with you and it was so beautiful. And I feel like every time I've heard you speak or even shared in Circle or just through that process, I was like, yeah, she can like see very clearly.

And she has a beautiful way of articulating things and getting the message across, which is kind of needed, um, at the time. And yeah, I just, I'm so excited that you said yes to doing this podcast because I am dying to catch up with you. So that's a personal, personal, selfish reason.

And, um, also I was looking at all your beautiful content on Instagram and, um, how you've kind of, yeah, changed or transformed your way of being a spiritual mentor and, uh, identity alchemist. And then I was looking at your beautiful manifestation posts and I thought, yeah, like this is all resonating. This all makes so much sense.

Um, so yeah, so grateful that you're here. Would you like to introduce yourself? Yes. Thank you so much.

I was so honored when you asked me to come on and have a chat and catch up because we have, we've known each other or I, I met you almost at the start of my journey into entrepreneurship and jumping into astrology and going full time and leaving the nine to five grind. And that has been the biggest part of my journey is like making that jump from the pre-conditioned how we're supposed to be in the world and then stepping into authenticity and, you know, your unique path. And I did that through astrology using the lens of astrology because it's something that I've always loved so much, especially just throughout my life, like wanting to understand who I am.

Uh, that's been a big part of my journey. And since then, I've definitely, I've been through it. There's that transition that you go through, leaving the nine to five, leaving the system and coming out on your own and not feeling supported by society.

And, uh, it's a big hurdle to get over. And so I met you at the very beginning of that. And then I was just plummeted into my dark night of the soul around that time as well.

And so I was using astrology a lot to navigate that time for me and to navigate my healing process as well. I used a lot of the archetypes and the philosophies that are taught through the lens of astrology to navigate that journey. And then I got into mentorship and I got into manifestation and creating your own reality.

And now from where I am, how much my life has changed over these few short years really, um, is just exponential. And now I share that with the world exactly how to do it from my own experiences, from my own learnings and my own teachings. Oh my gosh.

So exciting. I love it. That was the most perfect introduction, like, and such a journey you've been on as well.

Like I obviously being in the business space, we know a lot of women, mostly, I know a lot of women, but men and women who were like wanting to get out of the system and like, at least find that financial freedom and not have to rely on that paycheck and not have to rely on that, um, with, you know, inflation and rising living costs. It's like, where are you making the sacrifices? We feel that the only way to continue to survive is to make sacrifices. Like, no, I have to make it small.

I have to. And it's like, that kind of goes against everything. I feel like it feels restrictive and trapped.

And, and then you see people in the space succeeding and you, so you know that there's a possibility and that there's a desire there, but you're right. Making that transition and that jump is one of the hardest things. Not impossible.

Absolutely, but it's definitely not impossible. It is so possible, but it's so possible when you have the right tools and when you also know what you're up against, because you are leaving one paradigm and stepping into a completely unknown territory. And now we're very lucky because now there is so many people that are walking that path.

So we have that blueprint of what to follow, but you're still relying on yourself completely. You're still building something out of nothing. And that can be very daunting.

And then there's also that attachment that we have. And this relates back to astrology as well. Like when we look at the second house in astrology, it ties together our resources and our values and encompassing that is our self worth.

So there's very much about how we are resourced, how much value we have, and then how much value we can provide is tied up to our self-worth and how we feel about ourselves. So when you go from getting a steady paycheck to banking savings, hopefully, if you're doing it the right way, and then jumping into entrepreneurship, when

you see that savings account dwindling, because it will before you make any progress, you have to navigate all of that that comes up around like, oh my gosh, there's a process as a structure to business. And it takes time to build that.

It's all about building momentum. I think everything in life is about building momentum. And to build the momentum, you need to keep on going.

But when you see something dwindling and you're like, I don't have a steady paycheck coming in and I have rent to pay and bills to pay or a mortgage to pay or kids to feed, there's all of these different things that are going on in your mind. And then you start doubting yourself. And all of these belief systems come up from childhood, the things that our parents believed and then implanted into our being and what society taught us, what our teachers taught us, everywhere in our environment from such a young age was influencing us.

And it was mutating ourselves. Epigenetics is the influence of your environment changing you on a cellular level. So when you step into this world of doing anything different, whether it's entrepreneurship or not, you are coming up against all of that programming.

And it's a biological, physiological programming that you have. So it's very much about reprogramming yourself on a cellular level. Yeah, it's deep, deep work that you go through.

It's not just like sunshine and roses, like all of a sudden I'm liberated and free, you know? It is. Entrepreneurship is like, and not everyone who goes through it is spiritual, quote unquote, but it is the biggest spiritual journey. I find if we're looking at it at that lens and everything that comes up and like you said, when your finances are going down, how do you keep redirecting to your vision without getting caught up and like defeated by it? And yeah, there's not always people around you that can help support you, helps hold that vision.

Like usually it's all up to you because everything else around you is part of that operating system, which you're trying to break free of. Yeah, absolutely. It's a big journey to go on, but it's so worth it at the end of the day.

Like I wouldn't change anything that I've done. Like all of the dark times that I had, the sleepless nights, the crying myself to sleep, or like not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. Like there was a lot that I was going through personally, but also the reprogramming work that I was doing as well.

It is very intense and it's very deep, but to feel the amount of freedom that I feel now and to have the vision that I have now, I wouldn't change that for the world. It's absolutely worth going through that, because if you think about what else, what the

other option is, it's to, I mean, hopefully you do something that you love, but if you're not doing something that you love, then you're doing that for 40 to 60 years before you get to enjoy yourself. And living for the weekends is just, that wasn't an option for me anymore.

I can't, I sometimes still see people live like that. And it's, it's something that I've kind of been working on to be like, okay, well that's their, that's their choice. And like coming back to me, not kind of projecting what I think is, you know, good or bad or right or wrong, but just knowing that that's not for me, but that must be for them, like letting go, especially because I'm quite empathetic and then I want to feel and I want to help and I want to show them the way, but then I'm like, wait, I got to figure out my way.

Like if I'm so concerned about everyone else, like you're in my business, right? Absolutely. Yeah. And yeah.

And there is some people like my sister, for instance, she was always somebody she loved putting on her school uniform. She loved going to school. She loved having that structure in that regime.

And then since leaving school, she's gotten into nursing. And again, it's like uniform, it's system, it's like a set schedule. And she thrives in that kind of environment.

And I didn't understand that for a very long time, but the beautiful thing about astrology as well is that it teaches you so much compassion for all of the different archetypes that exist and all of the different ways that our personality and our characteristics and who we are is made up. It's so unique. And it just gives you such a beautiful lens of compassion for all of that, because there can be this.

I know that I definitely had this as well for a period of my life where like, I would look at people and be like, but how are you happy? And try and rationalize it for myself. But when I'm projecting my own thoughts and beliefs onto somebody else, that's just my own projections. I'm not walking in their shoes.

I don't know what their life entails. I don't know what they find happiness in basically, what they find joy in, what they find peace in. And some people really do find peace in the structure of life.

That's very comfortable for them. Whereas for people like us and other entrepreneurs and everything like that, that is very uncomfortable for us. Yeah.

I love that. And it's so true. I feel like as you were speaking, I was like this, we need to learn this in school, astrology, yoga, menstrual cycle awareness, meditation.

It's like, wait, how can we create this school? Because it's all things that, you know, you want to know at the beginning of your journey, but, and everything is in divine timing.

Right. And that's something that I have to keep coming to.

It's just trusting and trusting that, you know, where am I pushing or where am I not seeing the blind spots, which is all kind of like where you're focusing on your awareness or even the identity piece that you're doing as well. Like you keep living and playing that program without realizing, no, like I can upgrade this. I can have this because that's, this isn't, this is all, we're going to the new plate.

But yeah, it's such as it can be such a struggle when you don't know these tools and it's like, okay, well, how can I trust that along the way I'll be given what I need to show me the path. Yeah. And part of that surrender and letting go of control and just kind of, yeah, asking, I guess, the guidance.

Like I always come back to if it, if I'm finding overwhelmed in my environment or my body or my thoughts, cause my head runs wild. It's like, okay, well, where can I kind of just let go of that and stop that and then be shown where I need to go. And yeah, I love these methods like astrology or meditation, all of that.

There's just so much power and so many gifts in there for us to lean on. And actually then we don't, it's less about doing it and more about undoing, unlearning and then coming back. It is all of the undoing and the unlearning and all of the surrendering.

Yeah. Like you said, like the dark night of the soul. And I would, if you're willing, love for you to share more about potentially that experience that you went through.

But I've definitely, I don't even know if I fully call my points of transition dark night, but yeah, very like a death, like a morning of an old way. And I have to like completely reinvent and everything around me is like wrong or a lie, or I can see where all the cracks are and it's just all crumbling. And I'm like, well, like, and actually on top of that, it's like the entrepreneurial space gives you the freedom to kind of be like, well, I'm this person now I'm this identity now.

I'm like, whereas if you're in that role, it's so restrictive. And like you said, some people like that and feel comfortable in that, but I'm like the way that I know, at least my nature to be and human nature to have all these different archetypes and expressions. It's like, like, where's the dance? Where's the freedom? Where can I continue to lean into this flow and this, yeah, this experience of all of me because I'm not one.

And so I love even your, your journey in a short period of time. Like, it's amazing how much that focus and that letting go of all programs can astrology. Okay.

No identity alchemy. Like this is where we're at now. Spiritual mentorship.

This is where we're at now. And you're just bringing all, you're like pulling all of that into, it's almost like I see it as, I don't know, you probably might know me. It's like a physics

thing, I think, but it's like, what comes to mind is on, it was this show on Disney of the timelines and low-key was like working with the timelines.

And it was all these timelines pulling into this single thread, which is what was, but it's like, when you come into this entrepreneurial shape space, you're like constantly almost fluctuating in and out to this single point of expression. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's like, this is it. This is it now reality.

But then we're expanding and contracting it again, back into this space of reality. Yeah, no. And that does make total sense.

And there's been this journey that I've gone through around identity. It is such a big piece in my life of first trying so hard to work out who I was and then holding onto that so hard and then losing it completely. It was just really the rug pulled from under me where I just, I didn't know who I was anymore.

I didn't know how to speak, how to interact, how to dress myself. It was like every part of me was just stripped away and I had to come to terms with that. And then through that has been navigating astrology world, but now I'm ever evolving.

So my astrology has evolved into manifestation work, into identity alchemy, into spiritual mentorship. And I've given myself so much more freedom to be able to change and to be able to change at a fast pace and to put the blinders onto whatever, how that could be perceived. Because I think that that's a huge part of why we do stay the same is because, well, what are the people that I used to be friends are going to think or the people that I grew up with or like family, friends, or whoever it may be.

Then everyone's got this preconceived idea of who you are from a specific time in your life. And we block ourselves. We stop ourselves from exploring more facets of who we are because of that preconceived judgment, which is really just our own judgment on ourselves for wanting to evolve and expand and explore more and be more basically.

So yeah, I'm a huge advocate for just continual evolution and at a very fast pace. And it's so beautiful that you offer the tools for that because yeah, there are so many people and then that, that are having these like almost expressions wanting to come up. And like you said, they stop themselves.

So I don't want to seem too much. I don't want to seem crazy. I don't want to seem like, you know, and part of it is at least with our words and like what we're doing, it's like this exploration of sometimes I talk about things and say things and I kind of want to feel what is that excitement in my body? Like, and then does it dwindle or does it stay? And like, if it dwindles, can I then honor my authenticity and be like, oh, well, I was interested and I was intending to do that, but I'm going to let that go now because it no longer feels alive.

And I don't think yeah. So many, well, at least for me, it's been a process of saying, okay, well, where am I just doing things? Because I've said I would do it. And that's no longer like, like, how can I keep coming back to what is true and in alignment for me now while respecting that the truth is changing.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

And if we think about the universe, the universe wants to evolve, that's its number one objective is just like constant evolution, constant experience. And I find my personal belief is that when we stay stagnant, when we don't allow ourselves to expand, that's really where we stop living. You know, it's like very suffocating.

That's when depression comes in. That's when the compression comes in of staying, yes, staying the same. And so for me, because of the experience that I've had with that in the past, now I've dedicated my life to just continual expansion and continual evolution and allowing myself to explore.

And it does, it is a point of contention for some people in my life that like one moment I'm here and the next moment I'm there because people like consistency. And the one thing that I'm consistent in is my constant expansion. And if we look at it from an astrological lens as well, you know, there are, there's, there's different types of modalities, you know, there is the mutable modality, which is actually very much yourself as well with your Gemini rising.

Like we both have a mercurial rising sign. And so Mercury moves very fast. Mercury wants to constantly be exploring and bringing in new information.

And, and then there's the fixed archetypes and the fixed archetypes. They're happy to stay the same. This is very much my dad, you know, like my dad and my mom, actually the sun, moon and rising all three are fixed signs.

So they're very much like, no, we stay here. We stay here forever. I'm like, that just doesn't work for me.

And yeah, you know, and then you have the cardinal signs as well. And, you know, they're really the pioneers that the leaders are the people that like to really start things and they bring the new ideas and the innovation in. And then the mutable signs are kind of the ones that really like where the ones that are able to, okay, so we'll start from the beginning, the cardinal really start things and then the fixed signs carry it on.

And then the mutable signs are like, what about a different direction now and move around. And I have a very mutable chart. So it's coming to terms with that because I've always judged myself based on how other people are and like, why can't I be like that? And now I'm just allowing myself to explore everything that I love and everything that interests me.

And if that means that my identity is going to shift and morph another 50 times in my lifetime, then like, so be it. I'm here for that. And I love that.

It's like understanding as well, like not beating yourself up or criticizing yourself, like why, understanding how the mind works and like how it wants to be able to fit in. It wants to be able to, so then you start to compare and how then that actually is a disservice. But that in itself is a program that, you know, we back in the tribal days, we wanted to fit in, like we didn't want to be outcast.

We didn't want to be, you know, exiled from the tribe because we wouldn't survive in that space. But now things are very different. We are already kind of all separated in our own little lives, in our own little houses without completely different experiences based on, I would say, yeah, your beliefs, like your thoughts, all of those inner kind of workings that are projecting out to create your reality.

And that to me was really highlighted during COVID when, you know, even within the same country, different states, fully different experiences, even within the same state, depending on what job description you had or where you lived, very different experiences. You know, some people loved it. Some people hated it.

Like that to me was a huge dark night of the soul. I was like, I don't even know if I want to be in this world because I don't resonate with anything that's going on around me. And in those moments where you feel like, yeah, so alone, like so separate.

It's like, how can I call on myself? How can I get these tools? How can I work with someone like you to really understand myself better in this moment with everything that is expressing within and around me? And then how can I work with that to come out of that, to thrive? And I do, I've heard it recently a lot, actually, of like, you're either dying or you're living. And like, even the cells when they express, it's like they're either in a state of protection and repair or they're in growth and thriving. So if you look around at the world today, and this is one thing that I'm like, oh, is this something that I'm projecting out? Or is it something that I need to see within myself? But I, at least what I see is like, a lot of people are in survival mode and scarcity.

And then I'm like, okay, well, within me, I know there's points of that too, because I'm seeing that around me. So then how do I start to shift my mindset? So it is in this full abundance, so that I see that being mirrored back to me as well. So I guess it's interesting too, to kind of what you're seeing around you is always presenting itself to you to show you where, where there is work that is required for you to evolve.

Because I do believe that the universe is always conspiring for your greatest and highest good. And recently, I've come to understand more, just more embodiment of your body is always moving towards a state of wholeness and healing. And so, you know, working in the pharmacy space, which I don't even really identify as a pharmacist, but you know,

that's my job role.

It's like, when, especially the mainstream Western is like, you have a symptom, we're going to give you something to mask that symptom. And whereas the coming from a different perspective, the body is always expressing exactly what is needed to come back to wholeness and healing. It's like, where can we allow the space for us to be with the expression of the body and kind of understandable? Where is it showing me that I'm out of alignment? Where is it showing me that I need to change, that I need to, you know, evolve really, which is what we're talking about here.

And chronic disease, at least, and these, I guess, the ideas that are still synthesizing and will probably potentially change as well. But like, you know, with all the information with traditional Chinese medicine and everything, it's like these expressions, all these, these liver or this cancer, it's like, where is the body? Where is there that blockage of energy? Where is that stagnation where it's causing this death and dysfunction? And that's causing you more suffering. And then what is your perception of that? Like, it's just so wild.

I don't know. It's crazy. I love this conversation so much.

There's so many points that I want to jump off of from all of that. There's so much. So, but yeah, so where do we even start? The, the projection is reflection was a huge part at the beginning of my journey of like learning how to actually navigate my reality.

And when you come to realize that as within, so without, like that is an actual philosophy that you can live by. And it's a great stepping stone into manifestation because when you work on the internal landscape that you have and you use your outward reality as a reflection to know exactly what is coming up, like, okay, I like that. Don't so much like that.

What is it that you don't like? Because that is leading you exactly where you need to go within to heal or transform or transmute or alchemize so that you can start experiencing an outward reality of what it is that you actually desire. And it really is that easy. It's just all about awareness and using the tools of like the interactions that you have and then specific tools around that to be able to do the transmutation within and change the internal landscape and then have that reflected, but also have the willingness to move, continue moving in that way, even when the 3D hasn't caught up yet, because there is that time delay, we do live in a physical world.

And a lot of people, they start, they get on it and they're all ambitious and they're like, yeah, manifestation. And then the outward reality doesn't catch up in time. And then they fall off the horse, so to say.

And if you just stick it out a little bit longer until those echoes disappear and you're

actually experiencing what you want to experience, that's when it like really anchors in and you're like, all right, we're doing this now. So that's on that part of it. Then when we get into like the healing of the body and it's so interesting to see how far we've come, right? From like Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine to where we are now.

And like, even you working as a pharmacist though, like you have this natural calling for healing. Like I think that anybody that gets into the healing arts, which is exactly what you're doing, it was just more from a conditioned perspective of what you knew and understood at that point in time in your life. But that's like, they're all, I think everybody in those kinds of industries, they're healers deep down and they want to help people.

And you were doing that with the information that you had at the time. And now you're into all of the yoga and like helping people heal on a mindset level and a physiological level in a completely natural way through the breath and through movement. Somatically it's, yeah, it's beautiful.

Like you're mixing both of it and you have the information of, you have the knowledge of all of it, which is so valuable in this world as well. Like not just, I feel like everything belongs. There is a point in time for everything because it's going to help somebody on their journey no matter where they are.

But the body is designed to heal itself naturally. Like we are this physical vessel. I get so passionate about this because it's the most divine, intelligent creation that is on this earth.

It knows exactly what it's doing. It is the most intelligent computer system in the universe. And all we have to do is feed it with the right programs.

And if it's not working correctly, it's because there's programs that don't align that are currently running within. And all you have to do is change those programs. And so, yeah, I'm a huge advocate for like getting to the bottom of that and going through the healing process on a somatic level.

And it's not to say like Western medicine doesn't have its place because it absolutely does. But there is a time and place for it. And we don't need to be running and getting just medications to help with certain ailments and things like that.

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