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Miranda Marriott : Alchemy, Magnetise Miracles + Money with Magic

Jessica Verdier

Here we are so excited to welcome Miranda Marriott, an intuitive business coach, empowering women in their evolution journey, supporting them in creating and growing their business and scaling their vision beyond. 

Miranda shares her personal journey of growth, starting from challenging times as a new mum building a business, to finding empowerment, prosperity and having it all !

She discusses the transformative power of blending intuition with business strategy, using tools like manifestation, superconscious thinking, and energetic alignment to create a life of abundance, freedom, and purpose.

Miranda emphasises the importance of self-awareness, integrating the ego, and following true desires rather than ego-driven goals. She talks about her breakthroughs, recognising fears, and re-aligning with her purpose. 

Her story offers valuable insights on how to create a business and life that flows with intention, by honouring intuition and taking action from love, a place of deep inner connection to the heart.

Tune in to hear Miranda’s empowering journey in making her dreams a reality by staying true to one’s authentic desires and purpose.

You can work with her through her life changing Retreats around the world, Alchemy Online Program (6 month container) or Membership “Magnesium”.

First 30mins transcribed, listen to full episode on Spotify :

Miranda Marriott Alchemy, Magnetise Miracles + Money with Magic

Transcribed by Go Unlimited to remove this message.Hello Miranda, thank you so much for being here. Hey Jess, thanks for having me. It's going to

be exciting to chat to you.

Yeah, welcome listeners to another episode of Yoke. Here I have the beautiful Miranda Marriott with me who I had the pleasure of meeting on a trip in Egypt about two years ago in 2022 and she was just such a cool Aussie chick and her personality absolutely shone through and I was just, yeah, so taken aback by your authenticity and your down-to-earth-ness and amazed at your story of being a single mom and how you started and how you really kind of pulled yourself up from where you were and you know I consider the moments where I felt kind of and we'll get into it I'm sure but dark and kind of heavy and in that density and I was just so amazed at how you overcame that and it's just such a testament to the human spirit and the human heart so I'm so just grateful to have you here and was so excited when you said yes to sharing your voice and your magic so welcome Miranda. Thanks hun, yeah it's exciting to be here, always love you know sharing different journeys and just seeing what we co-create together where it goes so I'm really excited to do it.

Would you like to start with an introduction of who you are and what you yeah yeah well um it I guess you know who I am if I'm going to describe it in a way would be I call myself an intuitive business coach but that doesn't really summarize you know the depth of it and things but yeah I mainly work with women now and in their empowerment journey in their evolution journey and particularly in helping them when they have like a yeah business idea and they really want to bring it to to being and birth it and grow it and evolve it and also help women yes scale scale that vision beyond but through like the world of energetics manifesting super conscious like um and using our intuition and our true natural state now true genius to grow and evolve us and our business and abundance and all of it at once you know I see business and money for me it's been such a portal of transformation and a portal of evolution um that then plays out in my health and in my you know family and in my relationships and love life and like it's the same manifesting tools that I use everywhere you know but I just for me personally business was my like portal of fire to that journey you know so yeah that's what I general personal development and evolution as well that I coach and I run retreats around the world um with them I do have a coaching program online I do with them just getting a membership out there in the world so um yeah that's what I sort of do but um outside of that I'm a single mom my son's seven and um yeah have beautiful relationships with my friends and travel and you know I don't work a lot of hours during the week because like I love many things and my business but other things as well and so yeah I just have that freedom to do all that I love now which is amazing as well so beautiful and how would you say your journey was to get to this state because I know so many other especially women in business just because I then attend women's circles and meet other

women um but that are wanting to find that more abundance of time and abundance of finances and kind of live back to this state where we are able to be more in rhythm and honoring our cycles and you know not in this overstimulated space where everything is kind overwhelming and then we kind of go through these huge peaks and troughs peaks and troughs very hard to find that balance um so how yeah how's been your journey yeah well I think that's an amazing question because like you know I always got into business for freedom for my son and time with him you know I started it out just when I was pregnant you know I was 30 years old pregnant with him started my business and then you know really wanted to get into it when he was a young boy so that I could work around his sleep time and you know just be flexible and at home and like you know but so often the stress was so great at the beginning and I had no idea really what I was doing and there's so much to evolve it's not just the strategy of like you know money and sales and marketing and like all this stuff you're gonna learn like it's incessant it's never ending like you know they're constantly trying to figure it out and that stress of it for the first few years of my business it was really challenging and it's like you go into this business to create freedom but actually it just became a slave to it more than a job you know and I actually got less time and more stress and more money poured into it that I wouldn't have you know and more and more poured into my evolution that I maybe not need in a job you know so it's a really it was a really difficult thing um but I guess you know one thing that really made the difference for me there's a few one was that I have really decided that like there just was no other way for me like I was I knew from 16 I wanted to be a coach and um my whole life in my work was just learning and growing until I felt ready to be a coach like it was just my purpose and I know there's a quote in the above you know in the sort of Vedic wisdom tradition that basically it says you know what is when to be birthed through you like when it's birthed it will create the greatest joy but if it's stuck and won't isn't birth it will destroy you and it felt like I just had this purpose having having to be birthed and I just there was no other way it was just like there was never any other path you know I wasn't ever gonna I had jobs to support my business but I never was like I'm gonna go do a job and like you know this was my calling um so I think that was the first thing is there was just this tenacity and this sort of decision within me that it was like I'm gonna make this work and it's not about if it's about when you know and it took me three years nearly four to break through to the point I wanted you know and to get that flow and to make it more easeful and um yeah and I guess I just I didn't give up it was relentless like I just kept I didn't know how yeah and I hadn't got all the structures yet I was missing pieces and it wasn't like hopeless give up it was like okay what what am I missing and let's get it you know that was the first thing I think the second thing is that I'm very like I always ask a really powerful question is what's needed here and in what's needed here there's either one of three options I find one is doing an action and like that sort of more masculine like go action and do something the second one is um like being which is you know more in my feminine more and just receivership more and like having a bath or going for a walk or whatever right just massage like just in that receiving state and then there's more the growing like so the do be and grow and that would be more like my evolution stuff my alchemy work my you know um personal development work like tools rituals like things that I do and at any point I'm always asking myself like what's needed so I might be an action motor

I might need you know and it's it's very fluid and it does work with the rhythm of life of the universe in my body and what's needed you know I just went away to Bali and um I was in the middle of two launches and I just needed to stop and just have a full week off and didn't you know I just received I didn't do anything and it's what someone's needed you know I got back and I need a couple more days of that too and then I was like yeah cool now I'm ready to do and do you know so it's just I think that's really important um yeah I'd say they're the two two things the third one I'll just say too is for me there was a very clear difference from like I call it my before and after moment of like before the super conscious and after like when I really uncovered how to tap into my genius my intuition and really get downloads and from the god universe whatever you want to call it the you know super powers like super conscious when I was able to really work at that level and um really receive my intuition fully and and go with that that's when my whole life started changing like that's really when I wasn't trying to work it out from a practical conscious way it was more of a what I call a super conscious then that's when my life changed I love that I love the clarity and the decision which um I know for me personally it's been quite difficult to make a decision and a process of like learning to trust my desires and where I'm being led and where I'm being guided and you know against what other people's advice are because especially when you're at least for me going through school and university like I never knew there was never I had ideas like oh a hairdresser or florist or like things that were like pretty and like just more I don't know like I guess you have a certain view of the world but also you have no idea because now I see those jobs I'm like no I know I couldn't do that there's different personalities that kind of know so I love that you came from 16. Yeah yeah yeah and I think like I really do believe that we have true desires and and there's maybe some false wants right and I always think that like whatever our true desires are that really from our intuition really from our heart like our soul we're there for us like and there's just they're meant to be for us they're in the heart I think it's a future memory that we have like it's just it's just get alignment with that and it happens you know it's it's very easeful and like but we have false ones that are more from our ego and it's from our wounding and it's from our like I'm insignificant you know what growing up I also want to be an actor right and there's lots of parts of me that love performing and love acting and like the art of acting and I grew up in a family full of actors and but it was it was from significance that I was really going for that you know there was a part of it for that with me whereas from and I'm not saying everyone else that does acting is like that not you know for some people it's true but for me it wasn't coaching was more true but even coaching it's like when I connect to my heart desire and the true purpose behind what I do and the service behind it and why I'm doing it from a very deep missional purposeful place it flows so much more if I've ever gone into my egoic desire with it which is like money and this and that again nothing wrong with money but if I'm led by I want for myself like I want to make lots of money it's always actually brought my ego up and just it's just got in the way of my business but when I've gone back like I'm here to serve and my alchemy and I'm here for this mission and I want to support this client it's caused so much flow so I do find for me flow and freedom and that like creating a business we love or a job even it's like how much of it is coming from our true heart and and like really the desire of that being the leading force or how much is coming from our false sort of desire that egoic sort of stuff you know I find

even launches I have like I'll launch a retreat or I'll launch a program or and if it's our ego and our soul wants it for different reasons you know and if it's more led by my soul it will flow but the second that it's actually the ego fear is actually taking over like it will block it until I let it go you know and until it happens every launch it's the same so yeah and it's yeah it's interesting ego because it's like it has a purpose to it so how can we integrate it it's not there but the ego to overcome it and completely part of our identity to show up and be who we are and share our voice and in this world genetics is so important where we're not taught going back to that decision it's like yeah we're trying to figure it out in this headspace and listening and then trying to synthesize what everyone else is telling us how can we rather drop into a heart space where we can learn to trust our body and our intuition and the way that we're responding and then move through the world from this space that is more embodied and not be so stuck in the head which is what we're taught yeah that's right like and this is the thing you know so often for and for years before this work I uncovered like I was trying to fight the ego or like always annoyed that it was getting in my way or blocking this or whatever it's like it's actually trying to protect us and keep us safe like and if we actually listen to it and hear what its fear is and like build a relationship with it and just love it and witness it and like then we can work in harmony and you know whereas yeah a lot of the time I used to fight it and it just actually would get stronger and more brutal and more like you know avoid more because it's just scared and you know um I really do see it as more of that inner childy part of us that just sort of wants to be heard and like for us to look at the fear it's got and things and that's you know yeah um so yeah no I think that's a massive difference it really does make a big difference though yeah and I find that so interesting the parallel even within the ego um I work in a compounding pharmacy as well and have worked as a pharmacist for many years although I don't really identify as that but there's this in the allopathic western medicine it says you against the body okay how can we treat the symptoms how can we band-aid them how can we quick fix them how can we add a drug to just suppress it and then use something else and it's like actually if we look at all the eastern philosophy and the traditional Chinese medicine and the yogic which is the other realm that I play in which I identify in way more it's like every sign and symptom is perfection and its expression like the ego would be it's actually just there for your protection for your survival to show you where you're out of alignment and if we start to integrate that and listen and pause like you said with the ego but with our bodies how much more healing and coming back into this state of fullness fullness yeah it's recovering and remembering parts of us you know um I remember like when I was um in in the beginning of my business before I really broke through and and this isn't the lens of business but this is the same with love or anything we're wanting to create right it's the same thing but I remember like I was there was a part of me kept sabotaging and not growing it and this coach of mine's like you don't want it and I was like bs I do want it like you know I was so annoyed he's like no you don't you don't want it if you did you did we'd create it and I was just like so angry I was like oh you know I'm like I'm a single mom I flippin want this I'm doing everything and I'm doing all you say and it's not working and he's like no and I he's like until you do like you won't and I was like f you and I went on put my child care and I went for a walk with myself and I'm like I am not finishing this walk until like we have figured out what is blocking us what's going on you know like and I went how to talk to myself

and I was thinking this is crazy like you know someone's like oh what do you do today so just sat there and talked to myself you know but I was like I'm just working this out like this isn't gonna I'm not gonna stop and leave this place you know until it's sorted and so I went for this walk and I was like okay what's up you know and I was just talking to myself talking my child just like what's up what do you need what's going on like you know and stayed away as soon as I opened the space and actually opened the conversation this part of me just said like you don't talk to me unless there's a problem so we're gonna make problems so you talk to us because you just you know and I was like wow okay and this was in the first minute or two of this whole conversation right and I was like well what do you need then you know like I want you to talk to me every day not when there's a problem just talk to me connect to me you know like have a relationship you know it's like okay cool like I can do that you know so it's like and then it was like you know I talked about other things through the convo and like what else I was afraid of and you know later on my my ego was also like there was a belief in there that's like if I grew you know there's this upper limit then I used to think that if I had a business then my son would be hurt because I can't have everything I want and I can only have one thing and so it's like if I have my family my son like I can't have a business too and well something's going to happen like you know that sort of stuff and I was like okay I had to work through that and see that fear and like sort of help it comfort it that that wasn't going to happen you know because my business isn't going to grow if that's a core belief under there you know what I mean so when I worked at that and just connected to myself and just found and it's like people my clients like how do you do it's like you start a conversation with yourself you know like it's it's amazing where you sit so taught all this other crap at school and like learn this and that's the right answer and then we forget basic things on like how do we feel our emotions how do we talk to ourselves and connect and build the harmony and remove these blocks it's like it's so innate in us you know it's actually really simple relationships you know stuff you know but as soon as I did that like my business started to really unleash you know when those are the times that my business has grown like when I launching my Bali retreat there was this real fear that my reputation was going to go down I wasn't going to have people at the Bali retreat and everyone's going to see that I'm this loser and it's like my business isn't as good as I can make it out to be whatever right that was what I was afraid of and yeah I just I try to do the launch and try to do actions and it just nothing was really happening people weren't deciding and and when I saw this fear and I really was like okay yeah you're afraid of that and that is maybe one option of many but what do you want you know it's like I want to travel I want to like work with people while I travel like and transform them in these in-person experiences and have these incredible connections with them and it's like well if one person's there awesome like I'm gonna love it like whatever you know however they ever come like I'm just gonna embrace love the moment I connected back to my heart what I wanted and like just saw that fear and let it be started flowing and people came you know and I could tell you every program I've launched everything in my business every time with love or whatever block I've had when I've sat and had that combo seeing what's there and just like put my heart back into what I actually am doing this for always breakthroughs happen there hasn't been a time it hasn't you know I love that that makes my heart feel so open and like nourished just because yeah I can definitely

identify with the struggles and the blocking yourself and like just sitting down and there might be meditations that you move through to be guided by to connect with your inner child or your ego or your fears but just having that yeah continual connection and it not needing to be in this sacred ritualistic place like you just connect you just start to open and I love also just that setting the container of like you know what this is happening now and declaring that and then how beautifully that kind of occurs when you open and allow that space yeah or the information and the messages to come through because more often than not we're not allowing that space we're not choosing that and yeah it's so funny how we can unconsciously just sabotage ourselves and then just at least what I mostly see with that people that aren't aware is that you just keep going keep going keep going until something like catastrophic happens or you know there's still suffering along the way yeah really happy yeah yeah and like you really said you know two things are really needed in that yeah there's meditations there's processes like you know but really at the core of it is you set the intentions now is the time because I've done meditations but if I'm not setting the intention then I'm actually going to really break through or get the answer or like what it really clearly go this is what this is like it just goes on same with you know a problem you have with a partner and you don't go okay like we need to talk about this now and let's go to you know to the heart of this and like instead of just like we'll be on our phone just trying to talk and like you know what I mean like that's most of the way that we try and deal with stuff it's like not really jumping into it you know so yeah setting the intention is really key and then also yeah the space and like giving yourself the hour or two or like it's like this is my priority it's like I know for me if my energetics are off everything can be off my sales team my marketing all of it it won't go well if I'm off with these things you know I've sometimes put just twenty thousand dollars into ads to think oh yeah that will that will do it's like but if I'm off it doesn't matter that's just tracking money down the toilet it doesn't work you know um and so it's like this is my priority like I these conversations with myself and like you said doesn't have to be this big long ritual so many combos that have been two minutes and I'm just like let's get to the heart of this what's going on and you know bang that's when it's changed you know um so yeah it's incredibly powerful and again like you know it's not it's not difficult like you just set a truth circle and just share what's really deeply going on for you or like um and just set that yeah set the intention that you're going to really uncover the breakthrough point the part that you need to know to shift it like it's that simple you know yeah there's um I definitely identified with that oh well I have to sit down I have to do this and setting up all these have to's which are just excuses to just rather get into it and just do it which is always it's always available to you there and now there is nothing else that needs to be done or accomplished before for you to sit down and create that space of what you can choose differently and change and the other one that I like that you said oh yeah when your coach said you don't really want this and I've heard yeah like if it's not happening you don't want it you haven't chosen it yet in wholeheartedly your whole being and I'm okay so consciously I'm like choosing it and thinking I am but subconsciously unconsciously there's things that I'm like and it's the fear that holds us back but it's so it's it's such a hard thing to admit well it's not here I haven't chosen it it is especially we're like you know we really want and like um we really have thought we've tried everything to get you know it's like I was just like are you you know you

know I was so angry when they said it but it was like it's true like results don't lie like and we can think something consciously is happening but if it's blocked it's unconsciously blocked you know there's something there you know that there's um either an egoic agenda that's keeping us stuck and like it's actually like the the fear it's trying to take us off to or the conditions it's trying to get us to go meet or whatever like that's where all our energy is going or like yeah there's a fear there's a negative vision there's a thing that we don't want to have happen and like the energy is going there um and they always say you know focus creates reality it's actually not our focus because that's conscious our conscious focus it's where are you coming from your deep unconscious motivation as to why you're focusing on it that's actually where the power is you know so for instance I used to want money and I would do all the money affirmations I'm rich and I'm a millionaire and blah blah blah but I didn't have any right you know and uh why because why was I wanting money because I was deeply afraid of becoming a homeless single mom I was deeply afraid of getting into debt I was deeply afraid of losing money for my son and not being able to provide for him and I and that's what I was afraid of and so my energy and why I was focusing on it was from a fear it wasn't from just truth it was from fear you know it wasn't from love it wasn't a high vibration it was fear so I created fear with money and actually created that experience where um I became a single mom when I was 30 you know before my son was born my husband and I broke up and that was a deep fear that I had and that was what was created and then also like when I was um 33 just before I really broke through and learned about the super conscious I actually created my credit debt you know and I got into this really hard financial place where I was actually a month later if I didn't change it going to become a homeless single mom you know and it was so upsetting because everything I'd done for years was to run away from that reality and but I was running to it because my energy was actually focused on it not consciously but unconsciously you know that was the reason it was the motivation it was the thing I was running from you know and and they talk like Tony Robbins says that you know he was right driving this really speedy car that you know he was about to crash into the wall and they say you don't focus on the wall you focus on the road and where you want to go not where you don't want to go you know but your body cannot actually move the car to where you want to go if you're looking and focusing your body on where you don't and I my energy was on where I don't want to go you know and that's where it was heading you know until I actually learned about this world of consciousness and super conscious and learned about how do I see the fear accept it as an option but also put my energy into where I actually want to go you know but I'm going to say what changed my life in that moment that month was when it all changed and it's never been the same ever again that was four years ago you know what happened I used to put my focus energetically in the memories of the past and the past and the fears and like I started to shift that just slightly didn't have to do 100% of the time but 51% 52% whatever beyond 50% of the time I put it more into what I wanted in my imagination my future and my visions so instead of all this energy in the past all the time in my memories and my fears and started putting more energy in my visions and my imagination and what I wanted you know I teach alchemy and alchemy is about lead into gold and the philosopher's stone turning lead into gold like and our lead in our density of our consciousness and our fears and our unconscious and putting the energy more

into our super conscious and our genius and our intuition how do you do it the philosopher's stone is imagination you use your imagination you know and so I started imagining what I wanted more often not the fears and that was it that was the key changed everything for me I love it and it's like so simple yeah in our human nature and the habits and how we can get stuck it can be complex and difficult but I do believe that's just another belief like how can we believe that it's simple how can we choose differently and make it easy not have to make it a struggle and I have to hit that rock bottom or that point and like absolute wow a month being away how would you say in that moment was it the fact that you were facing your fears and you're like well I have nothing else to lose or like because to be there having almost realized your worst fears like that is amazing to me that you're like no I'm here and no I do not accept this and I'm choosing differently yeah yeah yeah well there's a lot of things because I lived my two biggest fears out you know one being cheated on divorced you know which has happened when I was 30 and then another one later on was yeah being yeah nearly like you know homeless debt and debt like financially stuck with my son you know they were the two and yeah nearly I mean lived out one of them and nearly lived out the other you know there is a part of like when you get to this book rock bottom where you sort of feel a bit invincible in that it's like well I've had my worst thing happen I haven't died so it's like you know there can't be anything like you know what else you know that that there is a part of that but I would really recommend people don't get to the part of life where you know they get to crisis point I now have decided you instead of listening to the they say the feather the universe will send a feather then it will send a brick and then it was in a truck it's like I'm not going to wait for the truck anymore you know I'm going to like listen when the feather comes like um I really do recommend the feather or at least the brick please you know not the door over the truck but sometimes our soul needs that big wake- up call which is what I needed but you know so one part is that but the other thing is you know in that in that month um I really did change some key things um one was really listening to my intuition because I was listening to all these coaches and these people outside of me that I thought were gurus telling me what to do and I outsourced my power even though it didn't align to me and it was energetically wrong for me to follow what they were telling me to do in my business um the moment I actually went back to what I felt was true and where I felt in it even though they said it's not going to work strategy it won't work blah blah I actually went well my intuition is more powerful my gut knows more than you do I'm a genius of myself you're not and when I did that that was the first thing that happened um so not outsourcing our power and that's why for me like I teach intuition and you know because we we actually have an innate but we've forgotten it we've lost touch and there's a way to really channel it so that was the first thing the second thing was I went to the heart of service and what I really wanted to do for my clients not the money fear and yeah the fears and that that doubt and worry and I put more energy into like the service and the vision I had for them which the money stuff was all about me you know and people can sense if you're in business you're coming to them and you're wanting them as a client for you or you're coming for them you know they people know right and .....

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