Opening the door to Tantra, to expand consciousness, the origins of these teachings sourced from verbally spoken mantras, downloaded by sound vibration.
My dear friend Chai shares with us teachings of the Divine, a beautiful story of Shiva and Shakti (consciousness and divine energy) he heard in a lecture presented by Swami Satya Dharma while volunteering at Mangrove.
Connect with Chai @yoga_with_chai Hi everyone, so happy and excited that you are listening today. My name is Jess from
Sanctuary Online and today I have with me Chai. Hi.
He is an amazing yoga teacher and also now graphic design, photographer. He is a man of many, many talents and I know him through teaching yoga over the years. And I have asked him here today to chat with you because a few years ago during lockdown, during a hard time for many of us, he shared a story with myself and a friend Michelle while we were walking out in Sydney.
And I just have found myself sharing it with other people since a few times and it just having great sort of impact on my life and the people I share with. So I wanted to get it from the source because he tells it so amazingly. So here he is, here is Chai.
Well, thanks very much Jess for inviting me. It is such a pleasure to be able to share this with your community, yoga community. Yeah, as you mentioned, we have had wonderful talks during that lockdown period and it was quite nourishing to be able to connect with a like-minded yogini and it has been like a really nice journey throughout that.
So before I begin, I just thought I would kind of like split this, I guess, this presentation into three sections. One is the intro, the other one is the setting and where did I actually get it from, you know, because the source is always quite important and the lineage where it came from. But just as a quick introduction that there are many wonderful, beautiful divine stories of ancient sages, gods and goddesses in the wonderful culture of the motherland, India.
And so just to, I guess, so we are all in the same page, the introduction is just basically reminding everyone that we are opening the door to Tantra and Tantra derives from two words, tan, which is mind or awareness and tra means to release or when you put those two together, it actually means to expand consciousness. So every time when you hear the term Tantra, classically, it is all about the practices that will allow us to expand our consciousness. So there are always little tiny mystical different sections of that and it is not exactly what was being explored in the 70s and 60s.
So let us just make, because it goes all the way back, even before the Vedic scriptures were written. And I absolutely find it fascinating because to me, from what I have learned from my teachers, by the grace of my teachers, it is essentially the blueprint of yoga. It does not matter what lineage that you embrace and there are many different lineages, it is all correct, it is all beautiful and it is all authentic in their own right.
And so when we look at the blueprint, the manual script, but originally it was actually verbally spoken in mantras, so there was no manual script. It was downloaded by sound vibrations. And when we practice that, when we actually put it into play and practice it, that is what makes it yoga.
It can only be yoga if one is using that knowledge, that science to engage and the experience that we get from it is really what is most important. Because without that, everything that we might be talking about is just theory or philosophy. So, tantra is the subject that we are opening.
And just to give you, I guess, a bit of a context, when I first came across this beautiful story, was in a beautiful lecture presented by Swami Satya Dharma. She is passed away now, but I was with her for three years and I was volunteering at Mangrove. And this was about six, seven years ago and it was the beginning of yoga teacher's training and I was basically working on the kitchen as a volunteer and I was also doing some gardening as well for the ashram.
And in return, we get the chance to practice with her, with all the teachers and we get to listen in with some of these lectures. So, that was a real treat and I was basically there for a solid... Well, I was with her for three years, so that was a special time. And also, before she actually said this story, she listed, she just presented this whole timeline of the history of yoga and the wonderful teachers that was basically, was the reason how this ancient knowledge was able to be distributed globally.
And so, the schools began because of these amazing personalities. You know, there are your old school teachers like Mr. Iyengar, Bratavi Joyce, Krishnamacharya, Sivananda, Swami Satyananda and there's just so many because if you look at like, say, the different branches of yoga, as you know, Jess, we've got bhakti yoga. A lot of people, they refer to it as the path of devotion.
And so, kirtan is involved, chanting, japa is involved, but I think, I believe, classically I was told that bhakti yoga is actually a yoga of transformation, classically. But of course, the mood of devotion and service is always present. Then you've got raja yoga, which is also known as ashtanga.
So, it's a classical format. And then there's also other branches such as gyan yoga, being able to put others first in connection with the divine. And so, there's all these beautiful branches, but she basically mapped out this whole thing within 90 minutes, and it was an action-packed lecture.
And I thought it was so amusing because by the time, we thought it was just about to finish, and then after she presented that whole timeline, she turned around with a cheeky grin and said, now let me tell you what really happened. Which I thought was like, what? I thought, hang on a minute, I thought that was it. And then she moved into
this beautiful story of Shiva and Shakti.
And so, these wonderful stories can be seen as teachings of the divine passed on from generation to generation. It can also be seen as mythology today. But the principle is to really understand the message behind that story and how is it applicable.
Because if you can't apply it to everyday, then it's just a story. And so, here it goes. Now, I have to be honest with you and the listeners today.
I heard this from Swami Satyadharma, and when I first heard it, I was like, wow, it's just one of those things that I was able to absorb and so many other things did not. And I haven't told this story since we caught up, Jess. So, it's been about three years.
Excuse me if I'm a little bit rusty, but the principle will be the same. So, are you ready? Without further delay, thank you for listening. So, once upon a time, Shiva and his eternal love, Parvati, also referred to as Shakti, were meditating.
Before we actually go further, it is important, that's what I was going to tell you too. So, there is Shiva and Parvati, which is the divine personalities. But there is also the term Shiva and Shakti, and so that needs to be really defined too.
So, when we refer to Shiva and Shakti, we are referring to consciousness and divine energy that allows that consciousness to expand, express and manifest. So, if you have a look at all around us there is this wonderful universe, this wonderful planet, and all the elements that it has got to offer, earth, water, fire, space, wind, behind each element is consciousness. And if you have a look at the wonderful and beautiful variety that we have in this planet, just know, that's why we refer to it as Divine Mother, because she expands her energy.
So, that's Shiva, Shakti. And then of course, the stories will always have the divine personalities that represents the Shiva and Shakti. Okay? So, Shiva, Parvati, in their cave, in their abode, eternal abode, fully contained, and they were meditating.
And when I say meditating, you know, sometimes when we engage in the practice before work, we might have half an hour, we might have 45 minutes, we might even have an hour, so that's good. But, you know, when we are talking about these pastimes of the divine, just know that we are talking about like, you know, years, you know. And so, for something to change, it's quite significant.
And so, one day, Shiva, Shiva's eyes begins to open. And he says, he states, he says, I wish to be many. Okay? And then of course, you know, his eternal lover, Parvati, always expressing her love for Shiva, she will do everything in her power to please that person.
So now we're actually tapping into like, what we call transcendental love. And I'm always cautious when I say the term love, because there are many different types of
understanding. But just to simplify it a little bit, in the ancient times, and it still applies today, when we refer to love as in like, loving somebody, or loving a family member, loving a friend, or loving your partner, usually the definition is that you understand what they like, their likes and dislikes.
And all you wish is like, sincerely all you wish is for them to be happy. So there's no, there's no, oh, I'll do this for you, honey, but now it's time for you to do this, you know, after that. So there's no, there's no like, expectations.
Yeah, there's no conditions in that expectation. It's just like, all I want to do is I want to engage into service. I want to engage into sacrifice, austerities, or anything to please that person without wanting anything in return.
So that's kind of like tapping into like, bhakti yoga as well. You know, but this is kind of like the overall yoga. This is where it all comes from.
So, and then so, Parvati turns around and is like, no problem. I will allow you to experience me. And so just when, before she dives to the different planes of the planetary systems and enters into the material atmosphere, says, no, wait, you cannot leave me behind.
It's like a part of you at least must always be with me. You have to promise me that. You cannot ever, ever leave me.
We always have to be together. Okay? And when I say this, it's like, I'm not referring to like, you know, attachments or anything like that because we've gone beyond that. But it's just expressing, they're always expressing their love, their eternal love with each other.
And so, of course, no problem. So Parvati, a part of her stays with Shiva all the time. So that's why when we're referring to Shiva, just know that Shakti, the divine energy, is always, they're always together.
They can never actually be separated. So a part of her transforms into this divine serpent, right, this giant serpent and begins to transcend or begins to jump down from their boat and enters into the material atmosphere. And then from there, she begins to dig a hole on the earth.
And she coils herself up three times, closes her eyes and begins to meditate. And through her meditation, begins to expand all these elements that start sparking and begins to manifest the whole manifestation of the universe. Okay? And so, when we're talking about Shiva and Parvati, that's the story.
But when we're talking about Shiva and Shakti, we're talking about consciousness and divine energy. And so, all of a sudden, boom, we wake up one day and it's like, oh, we've
got this body, we've got this mind, we've got this emotion, what's all this? And then we have to basically start all over again. But behind all these elements, behind you, behind me, is no other than pure consciousness.
A part and parcel of that supreme consciousness. And that consciousness is Shiva. And there are many interpretations of that consciousness in different lineages.
You know, like for example, if you enter, if you open the door to the lineage of Vaishnava, it's Krishna and Radha, you know? And so, but in this story, it's Shiva poverty, Shiva Shakti. And then so, behind each of us, is no other than Shiva himself, or pure consciousness. And so, here is the beginning of the pleasures taking place.
Because Shiva is experiencing you. Shiva is experiencing me. Shiva is experiencing each of our lives.
And so, his wish is like fulfilled. Now of course, in order for this to maintain, someone has to maintain it. And we refer to it as Mother Nature.
Right? And that Mother Nature is no other than Shakti. Still meditating in that deep, you know, yeah, that whole space that she's created for herself twelve, three times. Now, now this was just like, it's like, what the hell? We were all looking at each other and we're going, what the hell is going on? Because she was, when she was saying this, she was in a different plane.
You know, like she was saying, she was smiling in the start, but this was like, it's like, no, no, this is, this is, this is what's being transmitted from teacher to student, and I'm doing it to you. You know? And so then, like, it's quite amazing, right? Because you can start, you can begin to start connecting the dots. You know, like, mind you, at the time, the audience at the time, you know, they were learning the different chakra systems, the, you know, the different, like, you know, the ins and outs, the signs of the gross, the subtle, right? And so, we were starting to connect the dots as in like, oh, holy cow, that serpent, that Shakti, coiled three times, that's, that lives right within us.
So that is your Mula, Muladhara, chakra. The symbol is that serpent coiled three times. Now, there is no, there is no other pleasure for Shakti than to actually go back to her eternal abode with her beloved, Shiva.
But she cannot go back until all of Shiva goes back. Because she is witnessing him experience all these things. And, you know, whether it's, you know, in our eyes, it's ups and downs, but with the Divine's experiences, it's all a treat because it's just a variety, you know? As in like, suffering, pleasure, the in-between, it's such, it's like, it's like a game, it's like a, what is it? It's like a pastime.
And, you know, our pure consciousness gets to experience it every day. So the only way for Shakti, all of Shakti, to come back is for us to be able to allow that Shakti, or that
consciousness to expand, to rise, right? And when we're referring to rising, we're talking about the Kundalini at the same time. And then when we enter into pure consciousness in that state where we're actually completely, I guess, transformed into our most natural state.
So we're always there, but it's just being covered. And so, our practices allow us to remove those layers every single time. But we have to put in the hard work.
And then, so only then, the two lovers will unite. Thank you. And so, by then, you know, everyone's eyes just went boom! And our heads were just like exploding.
It was like, oh my goodness, holy cow, you know? And, but yeah, she was really an amazing teacher. Swami Satya Dharma, even the teachers from India, you know, because there's a lot of teachers here in Australia from that school who actually went to India and did some volunteering there and did some further courses. And a lot of the teachers that was running those old school austere ashrams, they were saying, what are you doing here, by the way? It's like, you got, you got, you got one of the best, you've got, if not the best, what is it, tantra teacher in Australia waiting for you.
It's like, what are you doing? Why are you here? You know what I mean? If I had the opportunity, it's like, I would be in Australia with Swami Satya Dharma. So, it's always like teachers that kind of like, was like so, like, obviously blessed to be able to go to some of these, I guess, sacred places, only to find out, it's like, oh my goodness, that like, the hidden gem was actually closer than our closest, closest thoughts. Yeah.
So, that was the, that was the story. So, thank you for, for listening. Thank you so much, Chad.
That's such a beautiful story. Yeah. Thank you for allowing me to share it.
And, yeah, I, you know, when you first invited me and told me about this opportunity, it's like, oh wow, okay, that would be really like a nice treat because it would be a nice way to, to reminisce that part of my life as well, you know, and to be able to kind of like remember, you know, the teachings, you know, that we've had, not just from art courses that we've done before, but through just beautiful, dear friendships, you know. So, yeah. I feel like that story was even better than the first time I heard it.
Oh, that's good. But I think that's also because, you know, when you hear things multiple times, they land differently based on where you're at. Yeah.
And I'd forgotten that the serpent coils three times like Kundalini. Yeah. So that, I guess, aligning with what is within us, that microcosm and the macrocosm, it's like found everywhere.
That's right. And I love, I love that being able to see the patterns and it makes it less
complex and more simple for us to digest. Because we tend to make it wanna be complex because we think it has to be something that's beyond us.
Yeah. But it's actually... Well, you see, it's quite amazing because there can always be plenty of details when you zoom in, right? But when you begin to understand the principles behind that science, you can really simplify it completely. And a perfect example is that when we're talking about energy channels, you know, many schools would say, oh yeah, we've got 72,000 nadis, right? Whereas some texts will say, no, no, actually, according to the Shiva Sutras, there are 300,000 nadis throughout the whole body.
So, whether it's 72, whether it's 300, you know there's a lot, right? But what's really interesting here is that when you open up the ancient door, well, the doors to, I guess, the ancient sciences, like even like, for example, traditional Chinese medicine, you know, out of those 72,000 nadis, they're only dealing with 14 really important meridian lines when they're treating their patients, their clients, right? Whereas the yogi will understand the principles behind all that, and that's all good because we're unblocking it for every practice that we do, but at the same time, you only really have to worry about three main ones, you know? Pingala on the right side of the spine, Ida on the left side of the spine, and once these two, the physical and energizing, mental and calming forces are balanced, only then that central shishun begins to rise, and shakti begins to go home. It's a defining moment, Oh, thank you for inviting me to be here. I love it.
It's such a shame that we'll have to do kind of like a workshop together one time, and maybe even a talk as well afterwards, and then we can have some questions because I'm sure there'll be a few flying questions at home there when people are listening to this. Yes. Amazing.
Thank you so much for being here, your presence. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you enjoyed it.
We'd love to know any comments or questions, as Chai said. Please send us a message, and yeah, we'll have to do this again. Thanks guys.